Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Who and What is Rebelutionary Musings?

Hello all!

We have recently realized that people coming across this blog on the internet might not understand who we are and what we our vision is; so, we would like to explain those things in this post.

Rebelutionary Musings is a blog that is independently run and operated by several members of the Rebelution Forum. We are in no way affiliated with the Rebelution beyond our personal involvement. We started this blog because, as leaders on the Rebelution Forum Team, we see a lot of material that doesn’t fit the criteria for posting on the forum (the Rebelution Forum is focused on implementing the 'Do Hard Things' message and facilitating collaboration). We hate to see all that excellent material not be used to bless and equip other Rebelutionaries; therefore, the aforementioned members of the Forum Team started this blog in the hopes that it could be used to share the excellent and uplifting material that would otherwise not be seen by anybody, other than the author of the material and several members of the Forum Team.

However, we don’t only post material from the Forum. We also re-post material from Rebelutionary blogs as well as articles and resources we want to share and/or are recommended to us. Since most people can’t update their blogs daily, by re-posting material on Rebelutionary Musings, we are able to post excellent material from others benefit on a daily basis. As we announced on the blog: “Our vision is for this blog is simply that it will be frequently updated with Rebelutionary material written by Rebelutionaries for Rebelutionaries ranging on a wide range of topics and issues from the theological and doctrinal to the practical and day-to-day. Naturally, we will adhere to high standards for the content and resources posted and for the blogs on the blogroll.

Hopefully there will now be no confusion as to who and what we are.

You don’t have to be a member of the Rebelution Forum in order to contribute to the blog though. If you have articles or blog posts of your own or someone else’s to recommend, please feel free to read and follow the steps/options for contributing below:

1) You can email the blog administrators with any articles or resources that wouldn’t be posted on the Forum written by yourself (if we don’t ask you ourselves)
2) You can email us if you have a blog (or know of a Rebelutionary blog that has blessed you) and would like it to be added to the Rebelutionary Musings blogroll. We can’t guarantee that it will be added, but we can guarantee that it will be considered.
3) If you spot excellent Rebelutionary material you believe would benefit followers/readers of Rebelutionary Musings pop us an email and let us know! You can email the Rebelutionary Musings Administrators at

Feel free to contact us at the above email address if you have any further questions!

In Christ,
Rebelutionary Musings

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