Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shout out for great ministries and organizations

Fellow Rebelutionaries,

Getting up and getting out and doing things is an key element of the Rebelution message and a Rebelutionary lifestyle. We are called by God to be men and women of action that listen to His leading, heed His commands and obey with confidence and Gospel authority. The things we as individuals are called to do are as varied in number as the sands of the seas, but there are a few common areas of action we are all called to give attention to: ministering to widows and orphans (James 1:27) and "going to the world" with the Gospel message and making disciples (Matthew 28:16-20).

Just as the church is one body with many parts (I Corinthians 12:12-31), so we are each called to take a different role in fulfilling the commands of God. Some of us are called to be in the front lines of the battle while others are called to stay back "on the beach" and work from there. It doesn't matter where you are so long as you are in His will and working for His glory!

In the spirit of the third pillar of the Rebelution (collaboration), Rebelutionary Musings would like to know which ministries and organizations you would recommend to your fellow Rebelutionaries for support. If you would like to make recommendations please let us know either by commenting here in the comment section or emailing us at Once submissions have been made, we will go through and compile a list of the organizations we feel the most strongly about and share them with you in a post, even possibly adding a sidebar to the blog containing links to the ministries and organizations we passionately support.

For clarity, we are looking for ministries that work in areas such as evangelism, hunger relief, providing water and other supplies, meeting the needs or orphans through care and/or adoption, fighting slavery (including sex trafficing) and other similar areas of Gospel ministry. In other words, if it's for God's glory and done out of obedience to His Word, let us know! :-)

If possible, we would love for you to include a short (or lengthy!) explanation for why you personally believe the ministry you recommend is a good one. This isn't necessary though...just helpful. :-)

God bless!


  1. Organization: World Vision

    Why I want to give them a shout out:

    World Vision runs the wonderful program called the 30 hour famine. This event encourages teen's to raise money by going without eating for 30 hours. All the money raised goes to help end hunger in poor country's. The event encourages teens to do hard things by not eating.

  2. I volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center called “Birthright”. Birthright is an international organization that helps women who have unplanned pregnancies. More information can be found on their website, Your local Birthright chapter would welcome support in any form – volunteering, donations of baby/maternity clothes or baby supplies, or monetary donations. Birthright believes that life is sacred, even in the womb, and they encourage, educate, and help women to nurture that life. They also have opportunities to share the gospel with hurting women. This ministry has and is making a huge impact worldwide!

  3. Organization: Compassion International

    Compassion International has many programs, including child sponsorship. I sponsor a little boy named Tinnapop from Thailand, and it is so cool to receive letters from him and hear all about his dreams and his favorite things. Compassion has a holistic child development program, which means that the program helps support him physically, educationally, socially, and spiritually. All the Compassion programs are run through local churches; Tinnapop wrote me that he likes to ride his bike to church with his older brother. How cool is that? Even on the other side of the globe, we can be a part of changing a child's life for just over a dollar a day. This may seem difficult for students who just make minimum wage, but studies show that American teenagers are still wealthier than 94% of the world. In order to make this work, it might mean a coffee or two less every week, or giving up on your daily soda. But, it's worth the sacrifice to change a child's life. As the Compassion slogan goes, we can "release children from poverty, in Jesus' name."

    If you want to sponsor a child, copy and paste this URL into the browser:

    You can choose a child based on age, gender, country, or even birthday! I could go on and on about how cool this is, but if you want to learn more, all the information is on the website :)

  4. Thanks for the recommendations, Bradley, Andrea and Emily! The thoroughness of them is very helpful. :-)

  5. was recommended to Rebelutionary Musings via email.

  6. Organization: Gospel for Asia

    This organization is reaching the unreached with the Gospel all over Asia! They support native missionaries, sponsor children, dig Jesus wells, and so much more. I love that 100% of the money we give goes directly to the field. Our family has been supporting GFA for years and we really appreciate all that they are doing to fulfill the Great Commission.

    In fact, I'm so passionate about this organization that I made a video about it. You can view it here: .
